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Horizontal or vertical half page ad in the quarterly publication – LSU Alumni Magazine which is distributed to LSU Alumni Association members, potential members, faculty, staff, and regional professional businesses. 25,000 magazines are printed each quarter but readership is higher at about 75,000 per issue. You may choose Winter 2018 or Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter 2019 issue.

  • Unless specified otherwise in the item, all production costs are additional.


LSU Alumni Association

The LSU Alumni Association, a nonprofit organization whose supporters are graduates, former students, and friends of the University, is an integral component of LSU. The Association’s programs of excellence have improved all areas of University life to enhance the overall academic experience.

For more than 110 years, the Association has worked hand-in-hand with the University administration to promote the mutually beneficial relationship shared between alumni and their alma mater. Cooperation in this regard has led to the development of numerous programs and projects that LSU alumni can proudly call their own.

With the generous contributions of major donors, the Association supports numerous scholarships, professorships, and faculty awards and has privately funded the construction of the Lod Cook Alumni Center, The Cook Hotel & Conference Center at LSU, the Jack & Priscilla Andonie Museum, the Sugar Woods Building, and the LSU War Memorial.

The National LSU Alumni Association Board of Directors provides leadership and vision in determining the policies and various programs of the independently financed organization serving more than 225,000 living alumni around the world.
